Sunday 30 March 2008

status: Online!!

Heya people... Not to fear, I have not stopped training. My internet was down for a couple of days hence the late update. So, I shall update you further on my progress.

Monday 3rd March- 1.75km swim, 34:40.75
Wednesday 5th March- 2.0km, 38:34.44
Friday 7th March- the pool was too crowded.. so I didn't time myself
Monday 10th March- 2.0km, 37:41.98
Wednesday 12th March- 2.5km, 47:20.75
Friday 14th March- Slept through swim time..
Monday 17th March- 2.5km, 46:56.12
Wednesday 19th March & Friday 21st March - went to Warwick to visit Gaston, so I missed out on 2 sessions. However, we jogged 15km while in Warwick.
Tuesday 25th March- 1.5km, 29:15.61
Thursday 26th March- 2.5km, 45:28. 39

I do apologize for not being too consistent in training. I will try harder. However, I shall have to miss a week's worth of swimming as I'll be headed to Wales for Word Alive from the 7th-11th April =S.

1 comment:

chanpang said...

wtf..jog for 15 km? =p